SpaceFab - On Earth
SpaceFab is a company that plans to bring us closer to space. Our future goals are to mine asteroids and manufacture metal in space so that we can build, grow, and move on to other planets. Before all of those things are possible, we plan to make our own planet a better place. How can we do that by sending a telescope into Earth's orbit you might ask. We will have hyper-spectral imaging capabilities on our telescope which can help farming become much more efficient. We can also monitor specific environments over any given period of time. Environmental Monitoring can be incredibly important as we continue to see lakes disappearing on Earth and see the oceans continue to rise. Using our images we may be able to start a bigger discussion for finding solutions for environmental issues.
Types Of Use On Earth
Efficient Farming
By using Hyperspectral Imaging, we are going to be able to help farmers read the layout of their lands. We can show them where their crop is short on water, or heavy on insects, saving them time and money.
Environmental Monitoring
As our world continues to change, we can use images to help us make smarter choices. We can show the difference of a lake disappearing year by year or forests growing and anything in between.
Hyperspectral ImagingUsing this very specialized imaging called hyperspectral imaging we can visually see what elements show more on the surface. For example, we will be able to see what land is starving of water and what land has plenty.